Monthly Bible Quiz Competitions
Quiz Number - 95
Bible Section : Joshua 21,22, 23
Closing Date : 2021-11-30

(Some questions have more than one correct answer, all correct answers must be selected)

1. Whom did the people of Israel kill and whom did they give jewels and lands through Moses according to the commandment of the Lord?

John from the tribe of Benjamin - 13 Cities
Ephrain from the tribe of Pathi Thaan Manasse – 10 Cities
Isakar from the tribe of Pathi Aser Napthali Manasse – 13 Cities
Ruban Kattu Sebulon – 12 Cities
Kibayon People of Aron – 3 Cities

2. Who got the first lot?

Tribe of Ephraim
Tribe of Thaan
Tribe of Manasse
Tribe of Koththiyar
Tribe of Benjamin

3. "Be careful in carrying out the commandments and the law that Moses gave you." - Who told to whom?

Ruban Kaththu to the tribe of Manasse
Ruban Thaan to the tribe of Kaththu
Sebulon to the tribe of Ephraim Benjamin
Ruban to the tribe of Aser
Ruban to the tribe of Kaththu

4. Who built the huge Altar near Jordan?

People of Sebulon Benjamin Ephraim
People of Ruban Katu Manasse
Family of Thaan
Family of Kibayon

5. "We did because of the fear." - Who said?

Those who did veneration of Idolatry
Those who venerated the idol of Calf like a snake
Those who revolted against the Lord
The people of Ruban Katu
Family of Thaan Kibayon

6. Who knew that the Lord is with them?

Priest Phinehas
The Chiefs of the congregation

7. What did Joshua say at his old age?

I have become old
You saw, what the Lord did for you
Everything will be taken away from you
The Lord God waged a war for you
I have given the nations to your tribes as a right

8. Joshua advices: In which should be strong?

To observe and do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses
Turning aside from it neither to the right nor to the left
To make mention of the names of foreign gods
To swear by them, or serve them, or bow yourselves down to them
To believe in the angel of Diana

9. Who said: Take hold of your Lord God


10. What is the strength of the Lord?

Chased away the foreigners, who were very strong
The Lord himself waged a war for you
Protected you, as no one could fight against you
Grew the trees on the lands

11. What is Gadites/ Gilayad?

The name of the Lord, who saved the people of Ruban
The name of the Israel chief of the congregation
The name of the Altar
The name of the burnt offering
The name of the sin, which committed by the people

12. Who is Phinehas?

The chief of the congregation
The son of Eleazar
The Father of Ruban
The Father of Manasse
The leader of the tribe of Kathu

13. To whom the land was given in Pasan?

To Mose
One part to the brother of Manasse
To Joshua
One part to the tribe of Manasse
To the tribe of Kathu

14. What were taken with from the enemies?

Goats and cows
Silver and Gold
Bronze and Iron
The wheels of the Chariots
Uncountable dresses

15. What did the family of Merary get, who were in the tribe of Sebulon?

Yokneyam and the land of grazing
Kartha and the land of grazing
Dimna and the land of grazing
Nagalal and the land of grazing
Petzer and the land of grazing