1. Fill in the blanks: “Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them “Humankind” when they created.”
2. How many years did Adam live?
3. Who was born to Adam, when he was hundred and thirty years old?
4. Who were the descendants of Adam?
5. Give short notes on Noah:
6. Fill in the blanks: When the sons of God went into the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the -- -- -- -- -- -- - that were of old, -- -- -- -- -- -- - of renown.
7. Why God attempted to blot out the human beings from the earth?
8. What had God said to Noah?
9. How did God instruct Noah to make an ark?
10. How did God destroy the earth?
11. How many days did the waters swell on the earth?
12. What was the age of Noah, when the flood of waters came on the earth?
13. Fill in the blanks: And Noah had three sons, -- -- -- -- -- -- , -- -- -- -- -- -, and -- -- -- -- -- -.
14. Where do you find the references regarding the flood of waters in the days of Noah?
15. Who were all in the ark of Noah?