1. Which was more crafty among God’s creation?
2. What did God say to woman?
3. What did the Serpent say to the woman?
4. What happened after having eaten the fruit?
5. Fill in the blanks: “You are -- -- -- -- -- -- -, and to dust you shall return.”
6. What did God ask Adam, after having eaten the fruit?
7. Fill in the blanks: “The -- -- -- -- -- -- -- tricked me, and I ate.”
8. How did God punish the woman?
9. How did God punish the serpent?
10. How did God punish the man?
11. Who gave the name ‘Eve’ to the woman?
12. Who were the children of first parents?
13. Give short notes on Abel.
14. What did God say to Cain?
15. Who were the descendants of Cain?