1. Fill in the blanks “I am the ------------, you are the ---------------.”
2. “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” Who said that?
3. What are the popular verses of Jesus?
4. How did Jesus explain about Holy Spirit to Disciples?
5. What did disciples say after having heard about the Father?
6. “A little while, and you will no longer see me, and again a little while, and you will see me.” How did Jesus explain to disciples, who are in confusion after having heard this?
7. How did Jesus explain the relationship between him and the Father?
8. Fill in the blanks “You have already been cleansed by the ---------- that I have spoken to you”
9. Why did Jesus insist that the disciples should abide in him?
10. How Jesus encouraged his disciples?
11. “Servants are not greater than their master.” Where do we find this verse?
12. How did Jesus pray to his Father?
13. Fill in the blanks “Your word is -----------.”
14. How did Jesus foretell the persecutions of his disciples?
15. For what and for whom did Jesus pray to his Father?