1. What is the condition of a doubter?
2. How does James describe Temptation?
3. Fill in the blanks: Let everyone be -------------- to listen, ----------------- to speak.
4. How does James warn those who show partiality towards poor?
5. Which is barren?
6. How does James explain about taming the Tongue?
7. What is the warning to Rich Oppressors?
8. Who were referred here as examples for faith?
9. Where do the conflicts and disputes come from?
10. Fill in the blanks: <><> Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, commits ------------.
11. How many days it did not rain because of the prayer of Elijah?
12. Who are the examples for patience?
13. What will happen when we pray with faith?
14. What are the qualities of wisdom?
15. What is the final advice of James regarding prayers?