1. .”We went into the house of Philip the evangelist”- Who is the Philip, who Paul referred here?
2. Who were the people who urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem?
3. How did Paul describe himself while he addressing people of Jerusalem?
4. How was Paul advised to save himself from the Jews of Jerusalem?
5. What are the accusations by Jews against Paul?
6. In which language did Paul preach in Jerusalem?
7. Give short notes on: Ananias
8. Who helped those who killed Stephen?
9. What is the reaction of the people after the speech of Paul ?
10. Who were the Pharisees?
11. "We have strictly bound ourselves by an oath to taste no food until we have killed Paul"- How many times did this statements of oath occur?
12. Fill in the blanks: "I am a --------------."
13. Why did the tribune hesitate to punish Paul?
14. What is the name of the Tribune?
15. What did happen to Paul after having seen the resurrected Lord?