Monthly Bible Quiz Competitions
Quiz Number - 133
Bible Section : 1 Samuel 7:13 to 1 Samuel 9:1
Closing Date : 2025-01-31
(Some questions have more than one correct answer, all correct answers must be selected)

1. Where was the hand of the Lord during Samuel's lifetime?

It was with Samuel.
It was against the Philistines.
It was at Ebenezer.
It was with Moses.
It was with the Philistines.

2. What happened to the towns from Ekron to Gath that the Philistines had captured?

The towns captured by the Philistines were returned to Israel.
The Israelites reclaimed their territory from the Philistines.
The Philistine towns were recaptured by Moses.
The Philistines worshipped a statue at Ebenezer.
The Philistines and Amorites shared the stone at Ebenezer.

3. What was Samuel’s position?

Samuel was a leader of Israel throughout his lifetime.
He traveled on a circuit annually.
He administered justice at Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah.
His home was in Ramah.
He built an altar to the Lord in Ramah.

4. What happened when Samuel was old?

He appointed his sons as Israel’s judges.
His eldest son was named Joel.
His younger son was named Abijah.
They were judges in Beersheba.
They fought against the Philistines.

5. What was the character of Samuel’s sons?

They did not walk in Samuel’s ways.
They were greedy for gain.
They accepted bribes.
They failed to administer justice.
They rode elephants.

6. What did the leaders of Israel do because of Samuel’s old age and his sons’ behavior?

The elders gathered and came to Samuel.
They assembled in Ramah.
They formed a cavalry force.
They formed an infantry force.
They marched to battle against the Philistines.

7. What did the elders of Israel say to Samuel?

They said he was old.
They pointed out that other nations had kings.
They asked for a king to rule over them.
They requested a king to administer justice.
They asked for an army.

8. What happened when the elders asked for a king?

Samuel thought their request was evil.
Samuel prayed to the Lord.
The Lord told Samuel to listen to the people.
The Lord said the people had not rejected Samuel but Him.
The people asked for Samuel to be their king.

9. What did the Lord say to Samuel?

I brought them out of Egypt.
They have rejected Me.
They are serving other gods.
They are treating you as they have treated Me.
Warn them solemnly and let them know what a king will do.

10. What did Samuel tell the people about a king?

The king will make your sons his charioteers.
He will make your sons his horsemen.
He will have them run in front of his chariots.
He will take your daughters as his wives.
He will take the best of your olive groves.

11. What else did Samuel say about a king?

He will appoint them as commanders of thousands.
He will appoint them as commanders of fifties.
He will make them plow his fields.
He will make them harvest his crops.
He will assign them to make weapons and chariot equipment

12. What more did Samuel say about a king?

He will make your daughters perfumers.
He will make your daughters cooks and bakers.
He will take the best of your vineyards and olive groves.
He will take a tenth of your grain and wine.
He will use your servants for his purposes.

13. What did the people say when they refused to listen to Samuel?

We must have a king over us.
We will be like other nations.
Our king will judge us.
He will lead us in battles.
He will serve us tea

14. What did the Lord say when Samuel reported the people’s request?

The Lord listened to Samuel.
The Lord told him to give them a king.
Samuel told the people to return to their towns.
Samuel told them to go to sleep.
The Lord said, "I am going to sleep.

15. Who was Saul?

Saul was the son of Kish.
Saul’s grandfather was Zeror.
Zeror’s father was Becorath.
They were relatives of Moses.
They did not live in Israel.

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